Student Last Name________________First Name_______________Date/__/____17
1. The Sun is about ____ light-minutes from Earth.
2. Light from the Sun won’t have reached Pluto for another __ hours
3. Light from the Sun won’t have reached the nearest star for over __ years.
4. The Sun’s mass is about ____________ times the mass of Earth.
5. The “surface” of the Sun is the ___________, which is the layer we see.
6. The _______ is the area of the Sun where temperatures are high enough for the energy production to occur.
7. In the _____________ zone, the temperatures are lower, but still high enough that all the atoms are ionized and the radiation travels freely.
8. In the ______________ zone, the temperatures are even lower, and electrons are now bound to nuclei; atoms absorb the photons so the energy can no longer be transported through radiation.
9. The _______________ is the visible surface of the Sun.
10. The ______________ is only visible during a solar eclipse, as it is dimmer than the ______________.
11. The ____________ is the wide layer that extends out into space, eventually turning into the solar wind. It is also only visible during a total solar eclipse. One reason astronomers get so excited about solar eclipses is that they provide a rare opportunity to view and study these layers of the Sun.
12. The radius of the core is __________ km
13. The radiation zone is ___________ km thick
14. The convection zone is ______________km thick
15. The photosphere is ______________km thick
16. The chromosphere is ______________km thick
17. The transition zone is ______________km thick
18. Energy is produced in the ________.
19. The solar surface of the Sun is ______ K.
20. The interior of the Sun is about ______ K.
21. Knowing basic facts about the Sun, such as its mass, composition, and physical processes, allows astronomers to predict the entire structure of the Sun. This is known as a _______.
22. The most obvious evidence of solar ______________ is solar granulation. The granules are the tops of the ___________ cells as they rise and fall. The motions of the cells can be measured directly.
23. Because the corona of the Sun is extremely ________, some of the gas can escape into space; it escapes the gravity of the Sun.
24. The rush of particles away from the Sun is known as the solar __________.
25. ___________ are caused by kinks or loops of magnetic field extending through the lower atmosphere.
26. P__________ are caused by very large loops of magnetic field that carry luminous gas far above the solar surface.
27. The number of __________ varies considerably over an 11-year cycle. At the peak of the cycle there may be hundreds of ___________; at the minimum there may be virtually none
28. The Sun’s energy output is fueled by the fusion of __________ into helium.
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