
Quiz 4

Student Last Name__________First Name________________Date__/__/_________

1. Frequency = 1/ __________
a) period, b) time, c) seconds, d) tension, e) speed

2. 0.2 Hz = 1/_____
a) 5, b) 5m, c) 5 Hz, d) 5 s, e) five

3. The tilt of Earth's rotation axis relative to ecliptic is responsible for the _________ we experience.
a) seasons, b) years, c) days, d) rotational speed, e) rotational frequency

4. As the Sun crosses from the northern into the southern celestial hemisphere, we have the ___________.
a) tropical year, b) vernal equinox, c) sidereal year, d) precession, e) autumnal equinox.

5. Starting from the ___________, which is all but invisible in the sky, the Moon appears to wax.
a) full Moon, b) gibbous Moon, c) quarter Moon, d) new Moon, e) blue Moon.

6. The ___ Moon rises in the east as the Sun sets in the west.
a) full, b) gibbous, c) third quarter, d) new, e) first quarter.

7. The Sun's light is not blocked by Earth at the full phase because the Moon's orbit is ______.
a) circular, b) elliptical, c) inclined, d) incommoded, e) curved.

8. __________model of the universe has the Sun, Moon, and planets all orbiting Earth.
a) Ptolemaic, b) Heliocentric, c) Copernican, d) Retrograde, e) Gravitational.

9.  Planetary orbits are ellipses having the Sun as one _________.
a) center, b) axis, c) gravity, d) focus, e) fireplace.

10. The average distance from Earth to the Sun is one astronomical ____.
a) distance, b) unit, c) kilometer, d) light year, e) parsec.

11. To change a body's velocity, a ______ must be applied.
a) acceleration, b) force, c) charge, d) mass, e) speed.

12. Every object having any ______ exerts a gravitational force on all other objects having the same.
a) speed, b) acceleration, c) position, d) mass, e) direction.

13. The number of wave crests passing any given resting point per unit time is called the wave's _____ .
a) period, b) wavelength, c) amplitude, d) speed, e) frequency.

14. Wavelength of peek emission ? 1/ ______________ .
a) temperature in ?, b) temperature in ?, c) temperature in K, d) frequency, e) period.

15. The long axis of the ellipse is known as the ___________ .
a) semimajor axis, b) perihelion, c) aphelion, d) eccentricity, e) major axis.

16. The _________ of the ellipse is equal to the distance between the foci divided by the length of the major axis.
a) semimajor axis, b) perihelion, c) aphelion, d) eccentricity, e) major axis.

17. An imaginary line connected the Sun to any planet sweeps out equal ____ of the ellipse in equal intervals of time.
a) lengths, b) areas, c) volumes, d) angles, e) pieces.

18. The planet's _________ is its point of closest approach to the Sun.
a) perihelion, b) aphelion, c) eccentricity, d) equinox, e) summer solstice.

19. The square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to the _____ of its semimajor axis.
a) length, b) size, c) cube, d) sphere, e) square.

20. The orbital period of the Venus is equal about ________of Earth years.
a) ¼ b) ? c) 1 d) 2 e) 12

21. The orbital semimajor axis of the _______ is equal about 5 AU.
a) Mercury, b) Venus, c) Earth, d) Mars, e) Jupiter.

22. If P is the Saturn's sidereal orbital period in Earth years and a is its semimajor axis in astronomical units then calculation of the ratio ______ gives the numerical result about 1.
a) P/a b) P³/a² c) P³/a d) P²/a³ e) P/a³

23. The rate of change of the velocity of an object – speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction – is called its _________ .
a) gravity, b) force, c) acceleration, d) frequency, e) speed.

24. Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the particles and inversely proportional to the _____ of the distance between them.
a) value, b) length, c) cube, d) unit, e) square.

25. The tendency of an object to keep moving at the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by a force is known as _______ .
a) inventia, b) inertia, c) potentia, d) inactivity, e) speed.

26. What means the symbol P in the following formula:
(P )² = (a in astronomical units)³ / (M total in solar units) ?
a) Ptolemy, b) orbital period in Earth years, c) orbital period in Earth days, d) perimeter, e) Parallax.

27. The temperature of an object is a measure of the _____ with which its constituent particles move.
a) heat, b) speed, c) mass, d) frequency, e) spectrum.

28. Many hot objects emit a ________ spectrum of radiation, containing light of all wavelengths.
a) continuous, b) emission, c) absorption, d) continental, e) Copernican.

29. A hot ___ may produce an spectrum, consisting only of a few well-defined specific frequencies.
a) solids, b) liquids, c) gas, d) electromagnetic field, e) gamma rays.

30. The line-of-sight velocity of an object is measured my determining the Doppler shift of its ____.
a) mass, b) position, c) speed, d) size, e) spectral lines.

31. Atoms are made up of _____ charged electrons orbiting a nucleus.
a) contrary, b) well, c) negatively, d) nonconformably, e) positively.

32. The temperature of an object emitting a continuous spectrum can be measured by matching the overall distribution of radiation with a ___________ .
a) blackboard curve, b) blackbody curve, c) emission spectrum, d) radio wave, e) diffraction.

33. Only a small fraction of the radiation arriving at our planet from space actually reaches Earth's surface because of the __________ of Earth's atmosphere.
a) opacity, b) diffraction, c) interference, d) Doppler shift, e) inertia.

34. Wavelength × frequency = ________ .
a) wave period, b) mass, c) wavelength, d) amplitude, e) speed.

35. Visible light is the particular type of ______________ . a) sound waves, b) gravity, c) a beam from the eye, d) electromagnetic radiation, e) waves in luminiferous ether.
36. Total energy radiated per second ? ___________ .
a) temperature, b) temperature², c) temperature³, d) temperature?, e) temperature?.

37. The symbol “?” means “_________”.
a) infinity, b) is equal to, c) is proportional to, d) isn't equal to, e) approximately.

38. Photon energy ? radiation _________ .
a) frequency, b) intensity, c) power, d) wave length, e) speed.

39. A “red” photon having a frequency of __________ .
a) 4×1014, b) 4×1014 Hz, c) 4×1012, d) 4×1016 Hz, e) 4×1014 m/s.

40. If the wavelength of an electromagnetic radiation is equal to 10 m then this radiation is called ______ . a) gamma rays, b) x-rays, c) visible light, d) microwave radiation, e) radio waves.

41. If the frequency of an electromagnetic radiation is equal to 1023 Hz then this radiation is called ______ . a) gamma rays, b) x-rays, c) visible light, d) microwave radiation, e) radio waves.

42. _____ light is a mixture of colors.
a) Red, b) Yellow, c) Green, d) White, e) Black.

43. The _______ color has the largest wavelength of the visible light.
a) Red, b) Yellow, c) Green, d) Violet , e) Black.

44. The _______ color has the smallest frequency of the visible light.
a) Red, b) Yellow, c) Green, d) Violet , e) Black.

45. If the wave period of some radiation is equal to 0.1 s then the frequency of this radiation is ________ . a) 0.1 Hz, b) 1 kg, c) 10 kg, d) 100 Hz, e) 10 Hz.

46. If the speed of some waves is equal to 100 m/s and the wavelength is equal to 1 m then the frequency of this waves is ________ . a) 100 Hz, b) 0.01 Hz, c) 100 s, d) 0.01 s, e) 101 Hz.

47. The symbol “r” in the formula F = GM1M2/r2 means the _____________.
a) force, b) redshift, c) right ascension, d) frequency, e) distance.

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